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17000 Portofino Circle Palm Beach Gardens Fl

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This is the detail page of ZIP Code 33418, including basic information of ZIP Code 33418, Full 9-digit ZIP Code list, Nearby ZIP Code, Demographic, Geographic and etc.

ZIP stands for "Zoning Improvement Plan". In most cases a ZIP Code is a geographic region with a center point.

  • ZIP Code 5 Plus 4
  • Envelope Example
  • Basic Meaning
  • Online Map
  • NearBy ZIP Code
  • School
  • Population
  • Geographic
  • Delivery

33418 Basic Information

The basic information of ZIP Code 33418 is as follows, including: country, county, city, FIPS and etc.

📌It means zip code 33418 is across counties/cities.

What is the plus 4 zip code for 33418 ZIP Code? Below is the detail.

33418 ZIP+4 Code List

What are the 4 digit zip extensions of 33418 ZIP Code. Here's the list of 9-digit zip code for 33418 ZIP Code.Click to find more information, including detail address, record type, range etc.

ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Address
33418-1205 7000 (From 7000 To 7098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1206 8000 (From 8000 To 8098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1207 9000 (From 9000 To 9098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1208 11000 (From 11000 To 11098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1209 13000 (From 13000 To 13098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1210 15000 (From 15000 To 15098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1211 16000 (From 16000 To 16098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1212 17000 (From 17000 To 17098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1213 18000 (From 18000 To 18098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL
33418-1214 19000 (From 19000 To 19098 Even) PORTOFINO CIR , PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL

If you can't find the 33418 plus 4 zip code you need on this page, we recommend you to use the the feature of Quick Select.

33418 Envelope Example

  • This is an example of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the top left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary information is sender/recipient's full name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Generally, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip code, you can only fill in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.

    ZIP Code: 33418

33418 Basic Meaning

  • What does each digit of ZIP Code 33418 stands for? The first digit designates a national area, which ranges from zero for the Northeast to nine for the far West. The 3-4 digits are the code of a sectional center facility in that region. The last two digits designate small post offices or postal zones.

    ZIP Code: 33418

Random Address in 33418

33418 Online Map

This is online map of the address PALM BEACH GARDENS, Palm Beach County, Florida. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

33418 NearBy ZIP Code

What are the zipcodes near ZIP Code 33418? In the table below, you can find zipcodes in 25km radius around ZIP Code 33418 and the approximate distance between the two zipcodes. Check the list to find nearby zipcode, and you can click the zipcode link to find the details whatever you want to know about the location. The data below has a slight deviation for your reference only.

Number ZIP Code Distance
1 33410 5.7958 Kilo Meters
2 33420 6.0881 Kilo Meters
3 33408 8.5721 Kilo Meters
4 33458 9.3285 Kilo Meters
5 33468 9.7144 Kilo Meters
6 33419 9.7413 Kilo Meters
7 33477 9.9869 Kilo Meters
8 33478 10.2462 Kilo Meters
9 33403 10.7030 Kilo Meters
10 33404 11.0334 Kilo Meters
11 33422 11.8189 Kilo Meters
12 33407 12.0366 Kilo Meters
13 33412 12.3587 Kilo Meters
14 33469 12.5407 Kilo Meters
15 33417 15.7710 Kilo Meters
16 33198 16.7628 Kilo Meters
17 33409 17.0357 Kilo Meters
18 33411 17.1948 Kilo Meters
19 33402 17.9496 Kilo Meters
20 33480 18.1817 Kilo Meters
21 33401 18.4514 Kilo Meters
22 33413 19.6901 Kilo Meters
23 33421 20.4330 Kilo Meters
24 33475 20.7587 Kilo Meters
25 33415 21.4377 Kilo Meters
26 33470 21.9351 Kilo Meters
27 33416 21.9636 Kilo Meters
28 33405 22.1483 Kilo Meters
29 33406 22.7670 Kilo Meters
30 33414 24.3976 Kilo Meters
31 33455 24.4928 Kilo Meters

School in ZIP Code 33418

This is the ZIP Code 33418 - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code is as below.

Current Population

What is the total population in ZIP Code 33418? Below is detail information.

  • ·Current Population:45,952
  • ·2010 Population:36,017
  • The 2020 demographic statistics are in progress. The current population in ZIP code 33418 is 45,952, and the population in 2010 is 36,017.


In all the statistical population, the male population is 16,991, the female population is 19,026.

  • ·Male Population:16,991
  • ·Female Population:19,026


In all the statistical population, the White population is 32,329, the Black population is 2,026, the Hispanic population is 3,023, the Asian population is 1,516, the Hawaiian population is 40, the Indian Ppopulation is 161 and Other population is 613.

  • ·White Population:32,329
  • ·Black Population:2,026
  • ·Hispanic Population:3,023
  • ·Asian Population:1,516
  • ·Hawaiian Population:40
  • ·Indian Population:161
  • ·Other Population:613


The median age for ZIP code 33418 is 49.7 years old, of which the median age of men is 48.8 years old, and the median age of women is 50.5 years old.

  • ·Age's Median:49.7
  • ·Median of male age:48.8
  • ·Median of female age:50.5

Households for ZIP Code 33418

ZIP code 33418 has 16,301 households, with an average number of 2.21 persons per household. The average income per household in Zip code 33418 is 90,130 USD, and the average house value is 381,600 USD.

  • ·Households Per Zipcode:16,301
  • ·Persons Per Household:2.21
  • ·Average House Value:381,600
  • ·Income Per Household:90,130


The latitude of the Zip code 33418 is 26.854197, the longitude is -80.190148, and the elevation is 17. It has land area of 46.359 square miles, and water area of 0.371 square miles.

The time zone for ZIP code 33418 is Eastern (GMT -05:00).

Daylight saving time should be observed in the area where the zip code is located.

  • ·Latitude:26.854197
  • ·Longitude:-80.190148
  • ·Elevation:17
  • ·Land Area:46.359
  • ·Water Area:0.371
  • ·Time Zone:Eastern (GMT -05:00)
  • ·Region:South
  • ·Division:South Atlantic

Congressional District

The Congressional District for ZIP code 33418 is Florida's 18th|20th congressional district, the Congressional Land Area is 1512.55|2427.42 square mile.

  • ·Congressional District:18th|20th
  • ·Congressional Land Area:1512.55|2427.42


In the ZIP code 33418, there are 20,793 residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units, and 484 commercial delivery mailbox and centralized units, 10,551 single family deliveries and 4,975 multifamily deliveries, and the box count is 26,180.

The main post office has city delivery carrier routes for the ZIP code 33418.

  • ·Delivery Residential:20,793
  • ·Delivery Business:484
  • ·Delivery Total:26,180
  • ·Single Family Delivery Units:10,551
  • ·Multi Family Delivery Units:4,975
  • ·City Delivery Indicator:Y


In ZIP code 33418, the number of business is 1,073, the number of employee is 10,195, the business first quarter payroll is 166,949,000 USD, the business annual payroll is 557,216,000 USD.

  • ·Number Of Businesses:1,073
  • ·Number Of Employees:10,195
  • ·Business First Quarter Payroll:166,949,000
  • ·Business Annual Payroll:557,216,000

Social Security Benefits

There are 11,810 beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status for ZIP code 33418, of which 9,675 are retired workers, 465 are disabled workers, 645 are widow(er)s and parents, 735 are spouses and 290 are children. The number of beneficiaries aged 65 or older is 10,755. The total monthly benefits are 21,081,000 USD, of which 18,122,000 USD for retired workers, 1,187,000 USD for widow(er)s and parents.

  • ·Total Number: 11,810
  • ·Retired workers Number: 9,675
  • ·Disabled workers Number: 465
  • ·Widow(er)s and parents Number: 645
  • ·Spouses Number: 735
  • ·Children Number: 290
  • ·All beneficiaries per month: 21,081,000
  • ·Retired workers per month: 18,122,000
  • ·Widow(er)s and parents per month: 1,187,000
  • ·Number of beneficiaries aged 65 or older: 10,755

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